Nilay Özsavaş Uluçay is an interior architect and associate professor at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in Turkey. She graduated from the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. Her Master's and Proficiency in Arts degrees are in the Department of Interior Architecture at Anadolu University. Her academic studies are about interior architecture, color, and design education.
She has participated in many group exhibitions and opened solo exhibitions with her designs and photographs. Besides all these, she started her professional design career in 2006. She designed and conducted lots of projects for many companies/clients.
PhD in Art: 2012-2015 > Anadolu University Department of Interior Architecture
Thesis: Color: The Importance of Interior Design as an Assessment Criteria and a Course Content Proposal
Master: 2008-2011 > Anadolu University Department of Interior Architecture
Thesis: Interior Architecture/Design Education in Turkey: Education Process, Different Educational Programs and Evaluation of Programs According to International Interior Architecture/Design Criteria
Bachelor: 2003-2007 > Selçuk University Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Work Experience
2018 > Assoc. Prof., Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla
2012 > Instructor, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla
2010 > Instructor (Guest), Anadolu University, Eskişehir
2010 > Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture Department Chief, Boyut Architecture, Eskişehir
2008 > Interior Architecture, KA Architecture, Eskişehir
2006 > Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture and Design Department Project Manager, Arinteg Construction, Konya